Appreciations 002: 20.01.2011

I just wanted to thank you for the beautiful show I discovered yesterday evening during the “Nuit des Bains”.
I was very much impressed with the quality of the works and particularly interested in the work of Zahra Hosseini which I found fascinating. In my opinion, her work reaches fantastic depths and goes far beyond the theme of what she calls her “physical defect”.
Thank you again for those wonderful discoveries.

Best Regards,


I’m grateful to you for having organized this event and congratulations for managing to obtain the artists’ visit to Switzerland.
Congratulation for your exhibition! I really liked each of your artist, each one for a different reason.

Please accept my admiration towards the work shown yesterday evening at rue des bains.
astonishing, frightening, beautiful and certainly a new horizon for the limited perspective of a culturally deformed european brain like mine...

kindest regards,



Je viendrai à l'exposition
et merci de nous faire connaitre des artistes persans
Quelle fantastique exposition ! J'ai été frappée par ces talents et vous remercie de cette visite "privée" pleine d'inspiration et d'émotion. J'en ai parlé a des connaisseurs. Vous aurez de la visite.

A bientôt !

Je voulais également vous écrire pour vous dire que j'avais ressenti beaucoup d'émotions à la fois du côté des artistes mais également des personnes présentes au vernissage.

i actually saw your exhibition today!
you are doing a great job!!!

le soutien de la ville de Genève, l'espace au BAC, et l'article parue au Temps d'aujourd'hui... magnifique.
will be going back on the 19th pour la nuit des bains.


Congratulations on the vernissage! It seemed like a big success from where I was standing. Great atmosphere and a good buzz. The artists were charming and did surprisingly well in English.


I was really pleased to meet all of your artists. Great works and I am glad that they were able to have this exhibition. You are also to be congratulated for putting together all of this! It was so very professional!



J'ai été enchantée de voir cette belle exposition.
Encore bravo pour votre travail.


It was a pleasure to see all these young artists at such an interesting event & zen space!!!

Zahra Hosseini, Elle a beaucoup de potentielle, j'espères qu'elle ira loin dans son travail. A mon tour de te remercier , pour tous tes efforts dans divers activité culturel, et surtout de les partager avec les autres.


Your site and your coming exhibition in Switzerland is sent to me via the scholars circular at ISIS. I thank you and congratulate you for helping us collectively to be better understood by showing the work of young artists who think outside the box away from the cliché expectations of so branded 'Iranian art'. I wish I could attend but my work demands at present prevent me from doing so.
